Quick view Details MicroBacter Purple 500ml MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea NOPOX MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Tubing MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Flux Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell NeoNitro MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell Restor MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Details Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Methylene Blue MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Rally Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details FishAid Kit MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Kick-Ich Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Details Hydroplex Fish Dip MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Simplicity Modular Dosing Container MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Tubing MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Flux Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell NeoNitro MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell Restor MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Details Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Methylene Blue MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Rally Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details FishAid Kit MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Kick-Ich Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Details Hydroplex Fish Dip MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Simplicity Modular Dosing Container MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options
Quick view Details Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Methylene Blue MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Rally Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details FishAid Kit MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Kick-Ich Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Details Hydroplex Fish Dip MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Simplicity Modular Dosing Container MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Methylene Blue MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Rally Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details FishAid Kit MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Kick-Ich Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Details Hydroplex Fish Dip MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Simplicity Modular Dosing Container MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Methylene Blue MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Rally Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details FishAid Kit MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Kick-Ich Pro MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Details Hydroplex Fish Dip MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Simplicity Modular Dosing Container MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Simplicity Modular Dosing Container MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details All-For-Reef Liquid MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details DINO X MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details F-Aiptasia MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Reef Flux MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Brightwell Lugol's Solution MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem Polyguard MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem Focus MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem Neoplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem Sulfaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem Kanaplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Maracyn (Gram-Positive) MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem ParaGuard MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details PraziPro MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Details Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Polyp Lab Medic MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Salifert Flatworm eXit MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Coral Rx MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view Details EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Calcium MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details ESV B-Ionic Magnesium MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Details Brightwell RAZOR Marine MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Fritz ParaCleanse MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Details Seachem Prime MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem AmGuard MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem CupriSorb MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details ME Coral Phosphate MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Red Sea ReefDose 2 MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Vita-Chem Marine MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details Seachem Metroplex MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Details MicroBacter CLEAN MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Details Coppersafe MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view MicroBacter Purple 500ml Brightwell Aquatics is thrilled to introduce MicroBacter Purple, the latest in biological filtration and nutrient management! This powerful new addition to the MicroBacter line harnesses the benefits of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNS... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Red Sea NOPOX Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $23.99 - $121.99 Choose Options
Quick view Red Sea Reef Energy AB+ Red Sea Saltwater - a product utilized for maintaining aquarium saltwater environments, featured in various specifications and availability options. MSRP: Was: Now: $20.49 - $144.99 Choose Options
Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Tubing Red Sea ReefDose Tubes 4 x 3m(10’) Blue -Green MSRP: Now: $13.99 Choose Options Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Flux Rx Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can cause rapid death of... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $42.99 Choose Options
Quick view Brightwell NeoNitro NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement, Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without resorting... MSRP: Was: Now: $6.49 - $10.69 Choose Options
Quick view Brightwell Restor Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration. Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged... MSRP: Was: Now: $10.52 - $18.54 Choose Options
Quick view Brightwell Phosphat-E Liquid Phosphate Remover Phosphat-E - Liquid Phosphate Remover begins to eliminate reactive phosphate immediately upon addition to aquarium. Safe for all inhabitants of reef and marine fish-only aquaria. Each ml eliminates 1 ppm phosphate in 4 US-gallons of water (250 ml treats... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.33 - $37.85 Choose Options
Quick view Korallen-Zucht Cyano Clean Cyano Clean targets the root cause of Cyanobacteria outbreaks with nutrient-scavenging bacterial strains that diminish Cyanobacteria's food source. It is reef-safe, does not alter the nutrient composition of the tank, and contains no antibiotics... MSRP: Now: $19.99 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Brightwell FragRecover Coral Dip Brightwell Aquatics FragRecover Coral Dip is an all-natural coral dip that helps treat affected coral and stimulates regrowth of lost coral tissue caused by disease infection. It aids in the regeneration of cut coral tissue and assists in the recovery of... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Methylene Blue Kordon Methylene Blue can be used for general disease prevention and also with known issues like fungal infections, some external protozoans (Ichthyophthiriasis, Chilodonella, and Costia), and cyanide or nitrite poisoning. It is also well known for its... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Choose Options Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Rally Pro Rally™PRO is a concentrated formula to address a broad-spectrum treatment designed to be used directly in the display tank to eliminate external parasites. Other benefits include:• Rally™ PRO is a new concentrated formula and will treat tanks twice as... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.30 - $32.99 Choose Options
Quick view FishAid Kit StressGuard is the premier slime coat protection product. It reduces stress and ammonia toxicity resulting from handling or transporting fish, promotes healing of injured fish, and reduces the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. It is... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.20 - $64.99 Choose Options
Quick view Kick-Ich Pro How to Build a Coral Quarantine Tank is a comprehensive guide that explains the importance of isolating and observing corals in a dedicated tank to protect against pests and pathogens. It highlights the benefits of using a separate quarantine tank for... MSRP: Was: Now: $13.52 - $25.93 Choose Options
Quick view Hydroplex Fish Dip Ruby Reef’s Hydroplex is an extremely broad-spectrum treatment for external fish parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and is perfect as a dip for new arrivals. Hydroplex quickly penetrates into the fish's surface tissues and removes active parasites,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $22.99 Choose Options
Quick view Simplicity Modular Dosing Container Simplicity Modular Dosing Container: Perfect Dosing Partner, organize your dosing solutions, top off your water or other solutions, and keep your sump area tidy. Keeps dosing chemicals clean with a tight-fitting lid designed to stay in place without... MSRP: Now: $34.95 Add to Cart Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Kamoer F1 Single Bluetooth/WiFi Doser The Kamoer F1 is a single-channel intelligent liquid dosing pump with BOTH WiFi and Bluetooth control capabilities. This unit allows for precise automation of adding liquid additives and elements to your aquarium. Features include quiet operation,... MSRP: Now: $89.99 Add to Cart Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view All-For-Reef Liquid Tropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor... MSRP: Was: Now: $21.73 - $32.99 Choose Options
Quick view DINO X DINO X is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in Reef Tanks. Strong and effective solution to remove nuisance algae, dinoflagellates and Bryopsis algae. Does not harm corals and... MSRP: Now: $49.99 Choose Options Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view F-Aiptasia F-Aiptasia - Reef Safe Aiptasia Fix is a proprietary formula designed to effectively control Aiptasia, commonly known as Glass Anemones, in reef tanks. The product provides a long-lasting and reef-safe solution without impacting water chemistry. It... MSRP: Now: $13.99 Add to Cart Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Reef Flux Algaefix 16oz by API MSRP: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Brightwell Lugol's Solution Brightwell Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine/iodide solution that should only be used by advanced aquarists. US regulations do not permit the sale of Lugol's Solution in sizes larger than 30mL. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human... MSRP: Now: $16.89 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem Polyguard PolyGuard is the single most effective medication to keep freshwater fish free of disease! It is an effective treatment and safeguard against all prevalent bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases of exotic fish. MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem Focus Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion. For... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem Neoplex NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will not discolor the water or damage the filter bed. It is well tolerated by invertebrates, although... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem Sulfaplex SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem Kanaplex KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases such as dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, and septicemia. It can be absorbed by fish for treating internal infections and is... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Maracyn (Gram-Positive) Mardel Maracyn Bacterial Fish Treatment is an erythromycin-based antibiotic medication effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. It treats common bacterial infections in fish, with signs including clamped... MSRP: Now: $12.74 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem ParaGuard ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite control product available. It does not contain formaldehyde, methanol and will not alter pH. It's effective for treating many ectoparasites (e.g., ich) and external... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.20 - $14.18 Choose Options
Quick view PraziPro Liquid PraziPro® is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective, this revolutionary product... MSRP: Now: $11.79 Choose Options Quick view Fritz FixIck MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $16.99 Choose Options Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Polyp Lab Medic Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Cryptocaryon irritans,... MSRP: Now: $36.99 Add to Cart Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Salifert Flatworm eXit Flatworm eXit is a treatment for flatworms that is safe for fish and invertebrates but can release toxic body juices from flatworms when they die. It requires siphoning out flatworms before treatment and using activated carbon to absorb toxins. Care must... MSRP: Now: $16.99 Add to Cart Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Coral Rx Coral RX has proven its worth time and time again. With new corals from so many different sources, whenever we dip our corals here at BRS we almost always find some type of pest or critter that we do not want in our tank. Coral Rx was developed to be... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 - $24.49 Choose Options
Quick view EcoTech Versa Dosing Pump The EcoTech Versa is a specially designed aquarium peristaltic pump that is precise, robust, and versatile. It excels in applications like dosing, auto top off, and automated water changes. The pump features a precision DC stepper motor, intelligent... MSRP: Was: Now: $209.99 - $839.99 Choose Options
Quick view ESV B-Ionic Calcium ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System - 2 Gallon Package, designed to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in aquariums. Each package contains two components: Alkalinity and Calcium. It helps restore ions lost from protein skimming and maintain ionic... MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view ESV B-Ionic Alkalinity 2 Gallon Package - ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System, includes two components - Alkalinity and Calcium. Formulated to provide proper ratios to duplicate the composition of synthetic seawater. MSRP: Now: $18.00 Add to Cart Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view ESV B-Ionic Magnesium When used with calcium and alkalinity supplements, magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing pH in your reef tank. B-Ionic Magnesium is an easy to use liquid magnesium supplement which will not disrupt the ionic balance of closed marine tank. Add... MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 - $32.00 Choose Options
Quick view Brightwell RAZOR Marine Razor Marine - Systemic Aquarium Cleaner - Brightwell Aquatics is designed to effectively clean aquarium surfaces by loosening unwanted buildup, aiding mechanical filtration in removing floating particulates, and maintaining cleaner glass in aquariums... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 - $58.32 Choose Options
Quick view Red Sea Dosing Cap Tube (2pcs) Premium RedSea Reefer 350 G2+ - White aquarium. Price: $2,499.00 MSRP: Now: $6.99 Add to Cart Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Fritz ParaCleanse Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as Velvet, Hexamita, gill & skin flukes, and fish lice. Provides fast relief and won't discolor the water. Safe and gentle for most fish. MSRP: Now: $13.49 Add to Cart Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem Prime Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250ml is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. It removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Prime promotes the natural production and restoration of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.49 - $18.49 Choose Options
Quick view Seachem AmGuard AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuard™ is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market. It works within minutes to... MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Seachem CupriSorb CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will remove copper more rapidly and efficiently than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency copper removal. It extracts all types of copper, including chelated copper, and remains... MSRP: Now: $10.99 Add to Cart Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Blue Life Safety Stop Rapid Fish Quarantine Safety Stop is a simple and effective way to help protect your fish from serious unwanted disease outbreaks caused by external parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. MSRP: Now: $4.29 Add to Cart Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view ME Coral Phosphate How To Dose Phosphate In Your Reef Aquarium With Tropic Marin MSRP: Now: $20.00 Add to Cart Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Red Sea ReefDose Accessory Kit Deluxe 4-color tube kit, Everything required to connect a dosing pump in one convenient kit. Available in 2 color versions (blue/green and red/yellow), providing 8 unique colors for easily identifying a full range of supplements from container to dosing... MSRP: Now: $31.99 Choose Options Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Red Sea ReefDose 2 Red Sea Saltwater products including various types of additives and supplements for aquariums. MSRP: Now: $249.00 Add to Cart Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Vita-Chem Marine THE BENEFITS OF USING VITACHEM MARINE: Increased growth, Increased resistance to disease, Great for Reef Aquariums, Corals, Filter Feeders and Breeders, Omega-3 Enhanced, Rapid fin regeneration, Fabulous intense natural colors MSRP: Now: $12.99 Choose Options Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected
Quick view Seachem Metroplex MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed... MSRP: Now: $7.59 Add to Cart Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected
Quick view MicroBacter CLEAN Brightwell Aquatics MicrōBacter CLEAN is a selective complex of extremely effective microbes and enzymes that clean aquarium live rock and decorations, reducing organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon in marine... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 - $33.10 Choose Options
Quick view Coppersafe Fritz Coppersafe is a safe, stable, non-staining chelated copper concentrate for treatment of infections of Ich, flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet, and other external parasites. Coppersafe is highly stable and will remain active after treatment... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 - $154.99 Choose Options