
Bio Media & Bacteria

  • Cycled Bio-Brick

    Cycled Bio-Brick

    Xport-BIO Biological Filtration Dimpled Brick (OPEN BOX) - a superior biomedia utilizing NanoIntelex Technology for efficient conversion of ammonia and nitrite into nitrate with extensive surface area for bacteria colonization.

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  • Fritz TurboStart 900

    Fritz TurboStart 900

    Fritz-Zyme TurboStart 900 is a live nitrifying bacteria product designed to rapidly cycle aquariums in as little as 5 days. It helps establish colonies of nitrifying bacteria, reducing fish loss due to toxic levels of ammonia and nitrite. This product...

    $30.00 - $99.99
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  • MarinePure Ceramic BioMedia Gems

    MarinePure Ceramic BioMedia Gems

    MarinePure Ceramic Bio Media comes in many different sizes that can be used throughout your aquarium. The ceramic media has a network of pores that allows bacteria to live deep inside of the material. We like using ceramic media in our sumps or other...

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  • MicroBacter7


    MicroBacter7 - Complete Bioculture: A complex system of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium setups. It enhances the rate of nitrification,...

    $18.50 - $50.99
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  • Icecap Bio-Plate 4"

    Icecap Bio-Plate 4"

    Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Auto Top Off is a reliable and safe automatic top-off (ATO) system that maintains steady water levels in aquariums using an electronic eye sensor and backup float switch sensor.

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